Wednesday, November 6, 2019

BRANDTHERAPIST: 10 years!!!!!

Thank you!!! Gracias !!!! Since 2009, bringing to life creative brand conversations!!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Creativity & Empty glass

“Creativity is seeing the glass half full, inspired on the other empty half” sebas esteverena

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Thursday, June 25, 2015

provivienda: "a new brand for an inspiring cause"

An inspiring cause, an incredible multidisciplinary team, partnering with the designer Any de la Piedra helping the Foundation to find in their brand essence a new name and brand design that capture their marvelous work.

Friday, June 19, 2015

lego© serious play™: "hard fun in paraguay"

Invited by Juego Serio as certificated LSP facilitator to be part of the team that drive a 240 people event in Asuncion del Paraguay. we made them play, and let them discovered by themselves strong insights about teamwork using the powerful methodology of Lego© Serious Play™.

Monday, May 18, 2015

biol: "a family company with strong values"

Being involved in a project with a family own company sometimes is fresh air, real people, real problems, down to earth strategies and strong values. I was glad to run a brand essence session with concrete application to a new product launch. It is healthy when tactics are root and enhance the essence of the company.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

sc jonhson europe: "claimstorming"

Incredible project with the Regional Manager, Consumer Insights for Europe, CIS and AFNE and the SCJ Racine Team from Chicago. 1 week of intense work. 3 countries. Combining: Store visits to gather inspiration, consumer exploration groups and brainstorming with the local team. Plus and strategic framework devolopment for the new Claims creation plus a dinamic creative way to select, evolve and refine ideas.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

abbott nutrition spain: "concepts x consumers x co-creation"

Challenging project for Abbott Nutrition Spain. Developed a new communication concept that could attract new consumers that we never target before.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

coca cola: "co-creation teens project"

inspiring multi area co-creation project lead by Knowledge and Insights from Coca Cola involving different departments and amazings partners as "la punta del ovillo" and "Fire Advertainment" flowing in 7 workshops with different task,from LEGO SERIOUS PLAY tm methodology with consumers to creative workshops with communication, cultural patterns, songs lyrics and more.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

abbott nutrition: "building metaphors"

"Running a creative workshop to develop new ways to communicate benefits and reason why´s. One of the techniques used was to build metaphors that was very inspiring and uncover a new range of creative possibilities.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

lego : "learning from the experts"

Billund, Denmark. The Lego origins. The global meeting of the Lego Serious Play Methodology community. Sharing Knowledge. Get Inspiration. Visit the factory and the employees Lego Shop!!!! The LSP Methodology is inspiring!! Sharing time with the "Juego Serio" Global Team.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

causa: "one man can make a difference"

Special invitation to help in develop a social cause initiative. Understanding specific targets across the country "international eco friendly, surfers, backpackers tourism" in Nicaragua. A visionary Nicaraguan entrepreneur based in USA developing an interesting concept to help and make a difference in the life of disable kids abandoned in orphans institutions.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

great conversations

These are some of the companies who have honored me with their intelligence, creativity and deep conversations.

Monday, August 10, 2009

an empty page is more powerful than a loaded computer

Half-paper sheets, blue painter tape to stick on the wall and a bunch of color markers (water- based, not permanent, stains happen) are my favorite "creative adrenaline tool" to start a conversation.

Writing ideas, looking at them on the wall, changing them, is like harmonic chaos. Creation appears live, in front of your eyes.

let´s make some holes in the silos

I believe that people who decide to work in advertising enjoy the creative process, regardless of the department they work in.
A creative organization should look for ideas beyond the creative department.
Ideas could come from anywhere, even more so nowadays.
Everyone should return home feeling they had a creative day at work.
Cross Brainstorming works.

We ask people from the agency, from different departments and accounts, to present the task and to organize a brainstorming session in groups, and in less than an hour and a half, we get piles of ideas. Then the specific brand leader takes the ideas and reworks them in a smaller group. The people who participate feel rewarded, have fun, create something new and avoid paperwork.
Note: A clear brief with relevant information that could inspire, is key.

behind the scenes, some strategic thoughts

Halls, Cadbury: Brand vision "Fresh Eyes" - ""When was the last time you saw things for the first time". A way to unify function and emotion. Refreshment that makes you feel renewed. Triggered by the consumer insights that view Halls as a "like a shower in a candy".
Ibupirac, Pfizer: The category is saying: "Take a pill so you can go on". We suggest taking care of yourself, so you would not need us. Example: warm up before physical exercise.
Insurance, HSBC: To promote taking an insurance, we work on the insight that losses are more intense than winnings, that’s why we developed "Real value: the real value of stuff is the efforts behind" (Print Awarded in Cannes 2007)
Knorr, Unilever: To reinvigorate the brand and category. "Soup comforts your body and soul".
PediaSure, Abbott: A nutritional product for picky consumer. After understanding moms everyday fights with their kids we uncovered the real insight: "when a kid rejects mom's food, mom feels that her son is rejecting her". Then we become the ally with: "Don´t give up, keep on trying to teach him to eat healthy food, one day you will succeed" The product role is to give her peace of mind that meanwhile she is teaching her kid to eat properly the product will cover any nutritional need.
Dolca, Nestlé: ""An instant coffee that says: take your time". Consumers take a long time to prepare their coffee in a personal way. It’s not an instant coffee. Understanding coffee moments as opening doors to emotional connections.
Gain, Abbott: "The future is Today". Every day is important in kids development.

Global Workshops:"Although I said yes, that does not mean I agree with you"

Multi-cultural workshops bring about surprises.
We are all different, nevertheless companies could build their own common "English Marketing Jargon" that seems to be understood by the company culture.
This could hide big differences! In general the differences are more "political" (have their own agendas) than linguistic. We need to be prepared for this.

Have a plan, and be ready to live it aside and to be flexible.
Our workshops are not presentations in which we just present something and run away.
We need to build consensus and to create something together.
We are involved with the end results.
That means trying to understand what is "happening" at the meeting, at each table.
To help our client to build an agenda that really understands the audience: what is the desired output and which are the battles to fight (some battles are not worth it).
And to have clarity on the moments to be open to creativity and to embrace new ideas.

A workshop is a combination of a rational agenda and an emotional experience. Ideally it should pursue to bring out the best of every participant.

(Workshops: in Shanghai, Honk Kong, Ho Chi Minh City, Madrid, London, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Buenos Aires, Singapore, etc)

creative brief: the "H"

Something I'm very proud of is the development of the "H" creative brief, with S. Codeseira and F. Cabarcos.
It was an insightful re-invention of a creative brief format that we believe that helps us to generate better conversations with clients, as well as account managers and creatives.
Besides the challenge (or communication problem to solve) we find three columns: What, Filter or Prism, How.
What: The Facts: What to say, Support and Brand DNA.
Filter or Prism: The Target, Insights, Broader Cultural trends or context.
How: Conceptual creative triggers.

People like stories

People love good stories.

But we don´t have to be naive: "Cases" are unreal. The process are not lineal, some ideas not necessary convey into another. We need to be flexible, be open, and have fun. Write a case means to "edit", transforming reality into a nice story.

But everyone still love good stories and they are one of the most powerful way to transmit knowledge.

(Picture: APG Argentina 2007 Gold award: Knorr case)

APG Argentina an incredible group effort

(picture: APG Argentina edition of "How to Plan Advertising")

Being less boring, try to show things visually

The challenge here: How we can show a competitive analysis in one chart, that inspire discussion, not only information. Avoiding wasting time with information that the client knows in advance.